

(top 9) for 10.13.5 how download vers 1.0.2 EtreZip

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John Daniel
3482 KB

EtreZip 1.0.2

EtreZip allows you to open ZIP files directly in the Finder. After opening a ZIP file with EtreZip, you can access the ZIP file as if it were a network drive. EtreZip provides full read and write access to the ZIP file without having to recompress. It also brings the latest OS X document-based technologies like autosave and versioning to ZIP files while supporting the latest OS X application features like automatic termination and sudden termination so that it gets out of your way when you don’t need it.
EtreZip does not require your administrator password to install. EtreZip does not require kernel extensions that can crash or destabilize your machine. EtreZip keeps .DS_Store files and __MACOSX folders out of ZIP files (unless you want them there). EtreZip’s ZIP files are fully compatible with the the native ZIP software in OS X. EtreZip supports Finder ZIP files larger than 4 GB and the new ZIP 64 standard. EtreZip opens not just ZIP files. It also opens any document type like EPUB or DOCX that is actually a ZIP in disguise. EtreZip includes a QuickLook plug-in to display the contents of any ZIP file by pressing the space bar in the Finder or any application’s file open dialog.

on iMac Pro QSSATM_ETREZIP_1.3.2.TAR.GZ {3725 kbytes}

on El Captan version-2.0.2-etrezip-et44z.pkg {2855 kbytes}

John Daniel

Recomended on Mac mini VtcfL.ookkeeaapp.2016.ver.1.9.app {30188 KB} 1.8

New iMac Pro SL5_IMAIL_2.3.ZIP {4988 KB} 1.6

{4073 KB} Update GrY v.1.3.2 EtreZip 2.0.2 Featured High Sierra

{3516 KB} Download ETREZIP VERS.1.3.2 MVBMJ 1.0.5 Best! version
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