

for El Captan how download v.8.5.676060 ABBYY FineReader Express ☄️

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ABBYY / Word Processing / Business / 92262 KB / ABBYY FineReader Express

ABBYY FineReader Express 8.5.676060

ABBYY FineReader Express is a highly accurate and easy-to-use multi-lingual OCR application designed specifically for Mac users. Based on ABBYY's intelligent document recognition technologies, FineReader Express for Mac quickly turns any scanned paper document, PDF files and digital camera images into editable and searchable formats while keeping the original layout and formatting in tact.
ABBYY FineReader Express automatically detects tables in original documents and precisely reconstructs them in the resulting files. In addition, this intelligent software provides special tools for editing table areas in documents that enable:
- Adding table separators
- Deleting table separators
- Splitting table cells
- Merging table rows and columns
- Using these tools, even the most complex tables and spreadsheets can be perfectly reconstructed.

Best on High Sierra FSF2_ABBYY_FineReader_Express_ver_8.8.676060.zip (91339 kbytes)

Updated to MacBook v.8.5.686060_ABBYY_FineReader_Express_vzy0.dmg (106101 kbytes)

Mac YnN_ver._8.5.696060_ABBYY_FineReader_Express.zip (75654 kbytes)

Best on 10.12 VER-8.5.716060-ABBYY-FINEREADER-EXPRESS-BCL.APP (99642 kbytes)

New for 10.11.5 ver-10.5.676060-ABBYY-FineReader-Express-n8CC1Z.app (93184 kbytes)


Key list

Updated Mojave BKuXuB_Antenne_v_2.4.zip [1869 KB] 2.3

MacBook Air 2.44.Shipping.Label.Designer.c5fe1.pkg [29911 KB] 2.43

Version High Sierra q4q_vers.4.0.4_QIF2OFX.dmg [6243 KB] 5.0.4

[85803 kbytes] Free VJLQ 9.5.676060 ABBYY FINEREADER EXPRESS 8.6.676060 OS X

[83035 kbytes] Free VER. 8.5.696060 ABBYY FINEREADER EXPRESS KJQXC 8.5.686060 Recomended 10.14.1

[97797 kbytes] uo9vfo ABBYY FineReader Express 8.5.706060 8.7.676060 Recomended 10.11.5
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