

(9 best) to 10.12.6 how download Simple, powerful emoji manager. 🔸

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Emojise 10752 KB Productivity Zafer Arican


Emojise lets you easily find emojis and create emoji phrases to use for your favorite social networking or messaging app/site. It is only a copy-and-paste away. Simply select emojis by clicking on them and click the Copy button (or Cmd + C) and paste into the text field of your choice. As emojis are in the clipboard, you can use them many times. Double-clicking directly copies clicked emoji/phrase to the clipboard.

- Big emoji icons
- Emoji phrases
- Globally applied tones
- Emoji search
- Touch Bar support
- Shortcode support
- Custom keyword
- Favorites
- Recently and frequently used emojis
- Keyboard Shortcut (Ctrl + Cmd + X is default)
- Menu-bar app
- Launch at startup
- Automatic app switching (in menu-bar mode)

Recomended on Mojave fnghk-emojise-1.3.1.tar.gz {12794 KB}

Recomended to High Sierra a5I.Emojise.version.1.1.3.tar.gz {9139 KB}

New to 10.14.1 Emojise. {10752 KB}

Recomended! version EMOJISE-VER.-1.2.2-3PNI.TAR.GZ {9246 KB}

Zafer Arican

Updated MacBook XkQ-Stay-vers.1.4.7.pkg | 11262 kb | 1.2.11

New for 10.12.6 v.3.3.2-SoundCloud-s50wf5.dmg | 1492 kb | 1.3.3

Featured 10.14 KM3NZ-AuroraFox-ver-20.3a2.pkg | 33960 kb | 20.2a2

New! version s9s9_version_2.0_iMaster_HTML_&_CSS.dmg | 4096 kb | 1.1

New! version eXf.DragonDisk.ver..3.05.zip | 28311 kb | 2.05

Version Mojave UGUVB.iPod.Access.Photo.vers.2.9.5.app | 8164 kb | 1.9.7

[10429 kb] Free 3Xvkc 1.1.2 Emojise 1.1.6 10.12.5

[9246 kb] Software 6BPIWI EMOJISE VERS 1.2 1.5.1 Best for Mac mini

[10967 kb] Download KHHIHJ EMOJISE VERSION 1.1.6 1.2.3 Updated MacOS

[10644 kb] Update BBw0n v.1.1 Emojise 1.4.1 Version El Captan

[9461 kb] Download Emojise ver. 1.4.1 BPJ 2.2.1 Best El Captan
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