

Getaway shootout

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Getaway Shootout is a fun and chaotic two-player game where you race to the extraction point while trying to shoot your opponents. You can only move by jumping left or right, which makes the race a little tricky! Pick up guns and other weapons along the way to use against the others!

Here are some tips for playing getaway shootout

- Use the cover to your advantage. There are plenty of boxes and other objects that you can hide behind to avoid getting shot.
- Don't be afraid to use your weapons! The guns and other weapons in the game can be very powerful, so use them to your advantage.
- Try to stay ahead of the pack. The more time you spend in front of the other players, the more likely you are to get shot.
- If you're playing against a friend, be prepared to get dirty! This is a game where anything goes, so don't be afraid to get a little ruthless.

Most importantly, have fun! Getaway Shootout is a great game to play with friends, so relax and enjoy yourself.

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