

last stable version where download Data_Recovery_v_2.9.0.zip

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Fireebok Studio / Data Recovery / Utilities / 3277 KB / File Management

Data Recovery 2.9.0

Data Recovery is a useful utility to recover lost data from your Mac computer. With this advanced data recovery software, you can recover all your lost documents, photos, music, videos, archive, emails, and other multimedia files. The software is extremely powerful and can help you in recovering your precious data, lost due to accidental deleting, formatting, improper device usage, virus attack, software crash, and other reasons.

Powerful Mac Data Recovery Ability
- Recover not only documents, but also photos, video, music, emails, archive, etc.
- Recover data both from Mac computer and storage media such as hard drive, iPod, digital camera, flash card, etc. While most Mac file recovery software on the current market can only recover data from media storage.
- Overall data loss scenarios supported - Recover data lost due to accidental deleting, formatting, improper device usage, virus attack, software crash, and other reasons.

Flexible and Precise File Recovery for Mac
- Flexible to pause, restart data recovery in the scan process according to your needs.
- File filters before and after scanning help you find your target files in a short time and save you much time.
- File validity lets you distinguish valid and invalid files before recovery.
- Lost File Recovery can restore your deleted files with original file name, and storage path.
- Save and import the previous scanning results to resume recovery without rescanning.

Versatile Preview Ability
- Preview images before recovery: preview in thumbnail or cover flow, to let you check the image quality in advance.
- Watch videos and listen audio files before recovery to confirm which you want to recover.
- Preview of documents, emails and archives permits you to select the exactly desired one to recover.

Featured 10.13.5 p4H-v-2.9.1-Data-Recovery.app (3473 KB)

on Sierra Data_Recovery_v_2.10.0_Qbk.app (2916 KB)

Featured! version v.2.12.0_Data_Recovery_MxA.tar.gz (3408 KB)

Version 10.12.4 vers_3.9.0_Data_Recovery_tpaM.tar.gz (3014 KB)

Fireebok Studio

Best for High Sierra 0PX.IBOYSOFT.DATA.RECOVERY.3.6.ZIP 2.8

for El Captan EBhu3i-Trainz-Simulator-2-vers-2.0.5.tar.gz 2.3.1

Version for Mac Pro Touch_Bar_Simulator_ver._3.0.0_cUcP.dmg 2.3.0

MacBook Pro poZfF-Highbrow-v-1.3.0.dmg 1.1.3

Updated Mac Pro vers.1.2.3.XCOM:.Enemy.Unknown.-.Elite.Edition.MrX.dmg 2.2.2

Featured for El Captan Al4z_Ingestamatic_ver._4.22.pkg 2.26

Download Data Recovery ver 2.11.0 y5pH1a 3.9.0 Updated iMac Pro

Free 2G0F V 2.12.0 DATA RECOVERY 2.9.1 Best on 10.12.5

Software V.2.9.2 DATA RECOVERY EAHR 2.9.3 New! version

Update e4h 2.12.0 Data Recovery 2.11.0 Recomended MacOS
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