

(Installer 12) on MacOS 75x_run_your_own_personal_cloud..app installer

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Main category: Utilities
Sub category: File Management
Developer: CODELATHE
Filesize: 32666
Title: Tonido

https://moovieesz.blogspot.com/?go=aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWNwa2cuaWN1Lz9pZD00NDM4MCZzPWJsb2c0ZXZlciZrdz0xNC45MC4wLjM0MDQyK1Rvbmlkbw== Tonido

Install Tonido on Mac OSX – Mac App Store
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out of 9 votes
Reliable, enterprise grade service
Apart from Downloading option, Tonido allows you to share any file publicly by creating auto-generated URL for each file sharing. Like Google Drive file sharing option, one having the file URL can download the file without knowing any credentials direct from your PC. However, custom expiry date can be set for any sharing. Facebook, Twitter and Email sharing options are also included for any file sharing.
The only way this could be to store downloads to native local folders so that they are accessible to Xbox music and video, but quite frankly a great app and system. I have my own cloud service and can allow access to ONLY those I want. This app is a very close amalgamation of the web page, and the program overall. Great job.

Official site:

Version MacOS https://macpkg.icu/?id=44380&kw= {29726 kbytes}

New! version https://macpkg.icu/?id=44380&kw=8Frg0p-Tonido-ver- {29726 kbytes}

Step 1:
5 stars
While Tonido’s webapp works great from any desktop browser, it’s not quite as easy to use from a mobile browser. It works, but the interface is too busy to use effectively on a small touchscreen. That’s where the Tonido Mobile Apps come in.
I Understand
Google Drive
File Type Support (3)
We added several optimizations to make the UI load load significantly faster.
Unlimited cloud storage, task management and notes for individuals or teams to keep your cloud data in one place safe and organized.

| 38545 kb | Latest wom5J v Tonido Chinese version

| 30706 kb | Download R5R8K TONIDO Italian version

| 29399 kb | Software ver. Tonido TTMI6u Featured for iMac Pro

| 34625 kb | App yF5Xs Tonido v Recomended on 10.14

| 31359 kb | Software Fli Tonido ver. Language Chinese

| 30379 kb | App TONIDO V. QCYO Best on 10.11.4

| 35279 kb | Get Brq Tonido ver New 10.11

Updated Mojave ver-3.4-IP-Camera-F7TP.dmg {28153 kbytes} 3.6

Updated! version Sandkorn_ver_1.3.6_8v8V.tar.gz {4187 kbytes} 1.1.2
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