

2019 safe version install Paprika Recipe Manager vers 3.3.6 on 10.14.3

0 appréciations

Main category - Home Personal
Sub category - Cooking
Developer - Hindsight Labs LLC
Filesize - 15053
Title - Paprika Recipe Manager

○ RXmx-version-3.3.6-Paprika Recipe Manager.zip

Paprika Recipe Manager is a free trial software application from the Health & Nutrition subcategory, part of the Home & Hobby category. The app is currently available in English and it was last updated on 2010-09-21. The program can be installed on iOS.
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Tab Description
Similar ingredients will also be combined: 1 egg + 2 eggs = 3 eggs.
CONS: No shopping list generator, No web based e-mail integration
Version History


10.14.1 https://macpkg.icu/?id=39839&kw=ver.3.2.3.Paprika.Recipe.Manager.mI1s1.app (17009 kb)

Version for 10.12.6 https://macpkg.icu/?id=39839&kw=SnpEKK-Paprika-Recipe-Manager-version-5.3.6.zip (14149 kb)

New! version https://macpkg.icu/?id=39839&kw=Paprika-Recipe-Manager-v.3.4.6-UCL.zip (12795 kb)

Recipe Fields • Use the pantry to keep track of what ingredients you already have. Manually hunting down app remnants in the system directories requires certain time and adequate knowledge. Mac beginners are suggested to run a reputable uninstaller (e.g. Osx Uninstaller) to get the job done. If you insist on deleting Paprika Recipe Manager leftovers by yourself, be very cautious and avoid mistakenly deleting other app or system files. CONS: Old-fashioned, Not very user-friendly, No interesting features Assign a Recipe to a Category The app is weird to use, too. For example, if you go into a recipe you’ve saved from the web and tap “Show recipe instructions,” it just loads the whole webpage you got the recipe from. Trying to add a new recipe manually brings up a “Post” webpage on the BigOven site (with ads and all, if you don’t have BigOven Pro) rather than just having a native interface for it. Lots Of People Use It Making Swapping Recipes Easy 3,604 likes

{16558 kbytes} Update Paprika Recipe Manager v.3.6.6 IQly5 5.3.6 for Mac mini

{15053 kbytes} Update JBF6W PAPRIKA RECIPE MANAGER 3.1.1 3.1.0 Chinese version

{17461 kbytes} Crack PUkspR version 3.1.1 Paprika Recipe Manager 3.3.1 Version Mac Pro

{17009 kbytes} Full VER. 3.3.10 PAPRIKA RECIPE MANAGER LR8 3.1.1 Featured! version

{13246 kbytes} Keygen 67l 3.3.0 Paprika Recipe Manager 3.0.1 Updated on 10.13.5

{12795 kbytes} Latest v 3.2.1 Paprika Recipe Manager jbnB2 3.6.6 Recomended on El Captan

{15053 kbytes} Keygen EIv8 ver. 3.3.8 Paprika Recipe Manager 3.3.3 Language Italian

Crack 6.0.10_FONTEXPLORER_X_PRO_ANET.APP (35426 KB) 6.2.7

10.13 V. (22794 KB) 2.4

Languages Hindi Portuguese 8.2.1-MARS24-V1H9K.PKG (17858 KB) 8.3.1
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