

(13 top) 1.9.0.MedINRIA.zip how download for Mac Pro

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40960 KB - Education - INRIA - MedINRIA - Teaching Tools

▷ vers.1.9.0 MedINRIA

MedINRIA allows for a wide range of processing of magnetic resonance (MR) data: MRI, functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI), etc., with interactive and intuitive manipulation of 3D objects. MedINRIA is intended to be used by medical experts, whatever their specialty is. It has a modular structure, where each module is independent and provides tools for a specific application like: image visualization, DT-MRI processing and tractography, diffusion tensor visualization, manual delineation of lesions in multiple sclerosis, and much more to come!
MedINRIA's spirit is not to concurrence OsiriX, but to provide extra functionalities matching some of clinicians needs. It will keep including algorithms developed by the Asclepios research team at the INRIA, so that users can rapidly use the fruits of an active research field, without waiting for an industry to include these in a product. It is intended to remain free, be frequently updated to add new functionalities, and interact with users for improvements.

Updated version ver.1.9.3.MedINRIA.p23r.pkg (44236 kbytes)

New! version version-1.11.0-MedINRIA-5Xjda.zip (34816 kbytes)

New! version MedINRIA. (47104 kbytes)

Updated MacBook Pro MedINRIA.1.9.2.Gjl.app (34816 kbytes)

Version to 10.13.6 ysXUb_3.9.0_MedINRIA.app (38912 kbytes)

to 10.13.5 jmp_medinria_v.1.9.4.zip (34406 kbytes)

Official site: http://www-sop.inria.fr/asclepios/software/MedINRIA/

Key for repack MedINRIA

on Mojave Blink-Pro-ver-4.6.2-3Ehv6E.tar.gz (41779 KB) 5.6.0

New 10.14.3 GCNJ.LIQUIFYDESKTOP.1.11.PKG (8855 KB) 1.8

Recomended Mojave MQ7P.V.10.14.ENGAUGE.DIGITIZER.PKG (15040 KB) 10.3

to Mac Pro tlr7u-Alpine-Crawler-vers-3.2.pkg (22055 KB) 1.6

(48742 kbytes) Free Y9Cm5A version 1.11.0 MedINRIA 1.10.0 on 10.14

(42188 kbytes) 76EL VERS 1.9.2 MEDINRIA 1.10.0 Recomended Mac Pro

(43827 kbytes) App MedINRIA v.1.11.0 2Wvg 1.9.4 Version iMac
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